Carbon Dioxide Reduction by AIRPHX Climate Solutions

Picture of Factory Pollution

ACS' technology can be configured for carbon dioxide removal from direct air capture ("DAC") to deliver scalable reductions of carbon dioxide (i.e. kiloton to megaton applications) by dissociating CO2 into oxygen and commercial carbon products. ACS expects to achieve net carbon removal costs upon initial commercial deployment that would meet or beat other solutions' long-term cost objectives.

Existing efforts at DAC and related carbon sequestration are currently expensive, of limited application, inefficient, require extensive associated infrastructure and permitting, and often create undesirable byproducts and/or are environmentally harmful. ACS' technology is easily scalable in virtually any location, with no harmful byproducts to be transported or sequestered.

Picture of a Carbon Dioxide molecule

Carbon Dioxide Reduction by AIRPHX Climate Solutions

Picture of Factory Pollution

ACS' technology can be configured for carbon dioxide removal from direct air capture ("DAC") to deliver scalable reductions of carbon dioxide (i.e. kiloton to megaton applications) by dissociating CO2 into oxygen and commercial carbon products. ACS expects to achieve net carbon removal costs upon initial commercial deployment that would meet or beat other solutions' long-term cost objectives.

Existing efforts at DAC and related carbon sequestration are currently expensive, of limited application, inefficient, require extensive associated infrastructure and permitting, and often create undesirable byproducts and/or are environmentally harmful. ACS' technology is easily scalable in virtually any location, with no harmful byproducts to be transported or sequestered.

Picture of a Carbon Dioxide molecule

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